Things are changing around here..
After having a deep passion and focus on holistic plant-based nutrition over the last few years running my own food truck and meal delivery company, launching my own recipe app and coaching people through healing their relationship with food whilst achieving the body of their dreams, I’m anchoring into something deeper..
Whilst that will still be a big part of my life and what I teach, after pulling myself out of the deepest holes and completely re-inventing myself from the ground up, I have found a lot of enjoyment and expansion in mindset and identity work which I know would truly benefit others who want to transform their reality in more ways than one.
I’ve always had a very split personality and multiple interests. Holistic nutrition has always been my core focus, but I’m also a DJ and love going to raves, a bodybuilder and spiritual baddie who has always gone against the grain to live out my core values which are to have as much fun as possible during my time on earth and time freedom!
I grew up in a very small town in New Zealand where most people just finish school, get a job, settle down, then raise their family there. Not that it’s bad to live there or anything like that! It will always be home. But I’ve always lived very alternatively and taken big risks that don’t make sense to the average person, and I want to encourage others to actually explore themselves
- I value looking forward to each day and spending my time with tasks or activities that light me up.
- Living a life of purpose and alignment.
- Creating a schedule that suits my body and mind, because the 9-5 isn’t actually optimal for a lot of the population (especially women, people who are neurodivergent, people living with chronic illness or who have a history of trauma).
I thought about what would be my ultimate answer if someone asked me “what do you do for a living”, and the thing that popped into my head was “I help people achieve their dream life”.
So as bold as that may sound, that’s what I’m going to do.. Help you step into the best version of you so you can make moves toward what your heart actually desires.

What Does It Actually Take To Create A ‘Fantasy Life’ & The Dream Version Of You To Achieve It?
- Looking at your excuses and limiting beliefs
- Being able to hold projections from others, even it means you’re the only one backing your vision
- Becoming more disciplined (even with nutrition because that’s your foundation of the energy you can pour into each day) and prioritising how you spend your time
- Expanding your glass ceiling on what you think is possible
- Putting yourself on the pedestal and knowing your worth
- Building your dream bod in the process because you are a work of art, and the skills/habits required WILL filter through to all areas of life including your relationships, self care, career/business, environment and home life etc.
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Where You Can Find Me 
Instagram / TikTok / Facebook / YouTube / Podcast
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