Is there such thing as the ‘perfect’ diet? And if so, what does it look like?
I feel a massive responsibility to share my views, knowledge and experiences with the world after what I’ve been reading about online and also seeing in real life..
‘Diet Culture’ has gotten a bad rep after causing so much strain on people’s lives from all over the world, in attempts to achieve what’s perceived as the ‘perfect body’. It has been the root cause of eating disorders, constantly plays in the back of peoples minds to the point they can no longer enjoy life freely, and not to mention CONFUSING with bucketloads of opposing information and advice everywhere you turn.
We have become so obsessed with being perfect that we implement so many rules in attempt to finally be happy with what we see in the mirror. Unfortunately this often causes a downwards spiral with people becoming obsessed, developing distorted body image and not allowing themselves to truly tune in with what their body needs.
I want to change the way we look at food and look at ourselves, to teach and inspire you to be healthy but HAPPY! Instead of getting bogged down on numbers and rules, lets just LIVE!

I don’t refer to a diet as “I’m going on a diet”. I refer to it as the foods I use to fuel my body every single day. It doesn’t have an ‘end date’. It is simply encompassing a wide range of delicious and nourishing foods that make me feel exceptional!
Here are 10 ways to know you are feeding yourself RIGHT!
1. You listen to your hunger queues
If you cook up a storm and end up feeling not too hungry, or have a relaxing day around the house and don’t burn off much energy, you don’t need to eat at a certain time or dish up a giant plate of food. Yet if you’re ravenous, you’re allowed to eat more than anyone else at the table. Just ensure to eat slowly so your stomach to brain signal has a chance to let you know when to stop. Enjoy every bite 🙂
2. You learn about food sensitivities and things that cause a reaction in your body
It’s not nice feeling bloated, gassy, lethargic or just generally in pain from something you’ve eaten. I cured my own digestive issues by adjusting certain food groups and ingredients, or simply monitoring my intake/changing the dynamics of my plate. This may include pairing certain foods together for ease of digestion, swapping out some items for a different type or making another version yourself at home. Also knowing your limit when it comes to eating foods that don’t agree with you well. We are all built differently and need to respect what our body thrives off.
3. You eat regularly and understand what your body craves
If you are too strict on yourself, it may result in extreme binges and many people suffer from falling into a cycle they can’t escape from. Sometimes you may eat something not classed as ‘healthy’, but you love every moment and carry on with your day. Sometimes you may crave a dense/heavy meal, or some days you may crave a simple light salad. Tune in and create your dish accordingly.

4. You understand that each body comes in different shapes and sizes
If we lived in a world where we all looked the same, wouldn’t it be boring? Ha-ha! Some people are thinner and petite, some are muscular, some are curvier and have a beautiful shape. As long as you are FEELING GOOD, you need to OWN what you’ve got and appreciate being unique and diverse!
5. Give yourself freedom to figure it out
I really like the concept of intuitive eating, which focuses on making peace with food and nurturing your body. It agrees that each individual has different needs, different lifestyles and encourages you to honour your cravings. It’s about shutting out what you’re ‘supposed to do’ and instead trusting your gut.
6. You know what works for YOU! Honestly I could live off salads for the rest of my life. And no, although that may sound out of place in this blog post, I’m not talking about just plain lettuce. I thrive off plants and whole-foods, meaning natural foods from the earth. I fill my plates with colour, different types of healthy fats (nuts, avocado, oils, seeds etc), different types of protein with unlimited flavouring options, carbs such as grains and starchy vegetables, tonnes of greens and other colours of the rainbow. I have worked for years figuring out my body and have found my sweet spot. I know you have the power and capability to do it too! (I couldn’t live without chocolate though he-he).
The same goes for intermitted fasting etc. For some people it does absolute wonders, for some it leaves them worse off. You’re absolutely welcome to give things a try and be patient with the results. But just because it works for the person next to you, it doesn’t always mean it will have the same effect on each individual.

7. You are free to enjoy social gatherings and holidays
One unhealthy meal isn’t going to make you gain a tonne of weight, the same as one salad isn’t going to change how you look. Personally I struggled with this for a long period of time whilst I was learning about my food sensitivities, because if I ate something my body reacted to I would end up in A LOT of pain, to the point I’ve been unable to walk, cried myself to sleep and even been hospitalised. If this is the case, it’s just trial and error until you learn what to reach for and how to manage it to the best of your ability. I am fine 90% of the time now I’ve learned what to steer clear of for my own well-being. If it’s a body image issue and thinking you don’t deserve something you enjoy, please respect yourself enough to understand that life is for living. If we ate perfectly every single day we may feel deprived, restricted or even miserable. Give yourself permission to enjoy food, every goddam bite of it.
8. Understand that some people eat more than others
My whole entire life I have eaten more than most people around me, no matter their size. I believe because of my muscle density I have a faster metabolism and also put my energy to good use. I’ve had ladies look at me in almost disgust wondering “where does she put all that”, yet don’t realise that sometimes I’ll go for 1.5 hour forrest runs to waterfalls, do weight training several times a week, as well as getting involved in HIIT classes and boxing – all while they’re sitting around watching TV. If your body is hungry – FEED IT!

9. Be aware that some people will look down on you for making your health a priority, simply because they don’t have the motivation or drive to do it themselves
Often the people I get criticised the most from are overweight, have a closed mind or simply can’t understand why you care so much about food and looking after your body because they have different priorities. Let me just say this – “The way you feed yourself, is the most basic fundamental way you demonstrate care for yourself” – Dr Libby. Don’t let their comments get to you, just know in your heart that you’re doing the right thing by respecting yourself and setting yourself up for a long fulfilling life.
10. Understand that ‘healthy’ looks different on everyone
For some it’s maintaining a shredded 6-pack, for some it’s fitting in exercise a couple of times a week whilst trying to raise a family, for some it’s eating meals free from cruelty because that’s what they value, for some it’s learning about energy in vs energy out to maintain a healthy weight, for some it’s learning to love themselves whole-heartedly so they can hit the beach in a bikini during the summer without a stress in the world, or dress up and go for cocktails with friends feeling like an absolute boss! Everyone is at different stages along their journey, and I believe that’s what makes it so interesting and beautiful! We can all make an effort to lift each other up, offer support and empower those around us to make better choices for their personal well-being.
I believe what sets my brand apart is the focus I place on INTERNAL health first, and making a conscious effort to look after yourself and be well every single day, but from a place of love rather than becoming obsessive.
Is your relationship with food and your body something you’ve struggled with before? Do you want to learn how to love what you see in the mirror each morning? Do you want to make nourishing food taste so good to the point you actually crave it?
Take a look at my coaching packages to receive meal plans, recipes, corresponding grocery lists, accountability, goal setting and more ♥